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Бізнес-консультанти Succentrix
Хізер Лукетт
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Бізнес-радники SUCCENTRIX

Ми спеціалізуємося на бухгалтерському та податковому обслуговуванні малого бізнесу.

Succentrix Mckinney Texas
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Хізер Лукетт - ідеальний професіонал для вашого малого бізнесу, оскільки вона не тільки є кмітливою діловою жінкою, вона ще й зоряним бухгалтером. Присвячена своїй галузі, Хізер допомагала розробляти методи економії грошей на нішевих ринках, здійснювала зміни у системах управління, щоб забезпечити здорове зростання промисловості та подолала припливну хвилю галузі охорони здоров’я протягом двадцяти років своєї кар’єри. Хізер - співчутливий слухач, пильний спостерігач і часто описується як "безцінний". Безумовно, кожен підприємець хоче такого бізнес-радника!

About Traci Hill
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Jacob Hill

Jacob Hill is a career accountant that graduated from Texas Tech University in 2016, and has been working in the corporate world since.


Born in Cookeville, Tennessee in January 1994, Jacob spent his childhood playing sports whenever he got the chance. In 2005 he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and in 2008 moved to McKinney, Texas where he attended McKinney Boyd High School. In 2012, his first year after high school, he attended Trinity Valley Community College on a football scholarship.


Jacob transferred to Tennessee Tech in 2013 to continue playing football. In 2014 he transferred to Texas Tech University where he walked on and played football for another year. He then went on to graduated from Texas Tech University in 2016 with a Bachelors in Business Administration in Accounting.

His first job out of school was with O’Neil Digital Solutions in Plano, Texas where he spent one year as a staff accountant getting his feet wet in the accounting world. In his second year, Jacob was promoted to Senior Accountant where he began work on process improvement and training new accountants. In 2019 he left O’Neil and was hired as an Accountant/ Cost Accountant at Encore Wire Corporation where he again was involved with process improvement and accounting functions for the much larger company.


In 2021 He became a joint owner of a Succentrix franchise….


About Jacob Hill

Hill & Hill Certifications

Xero Advisor Certified

Налагодити зв'язок

Хізер Лукетт

14279 Hwy 73
Prairieville, LA 70769

Телефон: 225.960.4170

Дякуємо за подання!

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* Це не фірма CPA *

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